Historic Building Restoration Association

StarkLight Recreation Society is committed to saving and restoring all forms of culture and history. This includes buildings whose construction, history and significance are an integral part of local culture.
We help local groups to form boards and raise funds to restore Canada’s first buildings and iconic structures. StarkLight Recreation Society assists local groups in negotiating the steps involved in forming a historic building committee, filling and filing paperwork, all the way through to hiring architects, designers and contractors.
In the planning stage, the SRS helps groups create their vision for the building and for the community. We provide access to our database of museums and archives, design and historic recreation experts throughout.
Our team of inspiring volunteers helps create a marketable, dynamic vision for your building or site- ensuring that it can be sustainably enjoyed by residents and tourists for years to come.
The SRS volunteers grant and proposal writing services, program development and maintenance and organization for heritage building development. We partner with a variety of grant providers including The National Trust of Canada and Heritage BC to help our integral heritage buildings maintain character and achieve a rich new life.
If you have a heritage building or natural space you would like to see preserved for future generations, contact us today at info@starklightrecreation.space or call 250-801-4700.