Learn about the early Irish alphabet, Ogham, in this SRS course and discover an innovative means of written communication. Ogham, used to express notes, directions, inscriptions and slang, was carved by early Irish into stones, staves, churches, altars and trees. In this first level course, we introduce the alphabet, its basic symbolism, and learn to use it in two traditional means – carving and as a bracken-language (codes placed in nature made from natural materials). The second half of the course introduces the use of Ogham as a means of augury, as used by the Irish. Course comes with an Ogham cheat-sheet. All attendees will be able to buy the official SRS Ogham Notebook at cost (4.75 off list price) – perfect for classroom notetaking, ogham casting results and thoughts about Old Irish culture. Attendees will also be able to purchase the SRS Irish Primer, featuring full color overview of all 3 courses in the Ogham/Irish specialty, including Druidic alphabets, at a reduced price (pass all 3 courses and get a 30% discount on the book!) Features 2.5 hr of classroom time, discussion, practical exercises and Ogham crafting. 1 hour of discussion and open question period to discuss Ogham and Old Irish culture with our SRS instructors. Sign up for all four in advance and pay only $105, and get your 30% off coupon for the SRS Irish Primer!
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