Welcome to the Seniors’ Mentorship Program

May 17, 2021 marks the official beginning of the StarkLight Recreation Society’s Seniors Traditional Skills and Mentorship Program. This program is designed to gather the traditional skills, knowledge, personal history, legends and stories of British Columbia’s seniors – videos, documents and podcasts will be made, sharing this wealth of information with future generations.

We are currently seeking up to 30 seniors who would like to share their knowledge and skills with the world. Our program will create media in a variety of paper and virtual platforms, and provide seniors with copies of them all, as well as links to their locations on the internet. This facilitates seniors’ ability to develop careers in skills training, workshop and seminar facilitation, as well as assisting seniors to create a knowledge archive to pass on to their children and descendants, as well as with those around the world who are interested in their unique skills and experiences.


You can read more about our program here:

Seniors’ Mentorship Overview


Are you a senior interested in joining our program? Visit our Online Application page by clicking the link here:



Interested in volunteering to help us to compile this remarkable archive of skills and knowledge? Join the StarkLight Recreation Society as a volunteer!



The StarkLight Recreation Society would like to thank its partners and volunteers who are making this remarkable program possible:



Check our home page throughout 2021 and 2022 for upcoming dates for orientation meetings, biographies of our senior mentors and the latest video, podcast and document uploads!

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