SRS Rune Workshop 2020

Look for Rune workshops this November and December in Enderby & Fort Nelson this year, with a possible addition of Terrace, TBD.

These ever-popular four week seminars cover rune history, mythology, syntax, pronunciation, traditional uses, ongoing applications. In addition, each attendee will be able to make their own clay rune set, for their personal use. The final course features the creation of a rune-casting mat, and writing lessons to help you to incorporate this striking traditional alphabet in your art.

All attendees will be able to buy the official SRS Rune Notebook at cost (4.75 off list price) – perfect for classroom notetaking, rune casting results and thoughts about Old Norse culture.

Each of the four seminars is $30 for 2.5 hr of classroom time, discussion, practical exercises and rune crafting. Sign up for all four in advance and pay only $105.

Register at to reserve your space today – seats are limited to 10 per course, so contact us early!


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